Audio recordings to Vol. I of Sheva Zucker’s Yiddish: an Introduction

Audio recordings to Yiddish: An Introduction (Volume I) by Sheva Zucker

audio-recordings of Sheva Zucker's Yiddish textbook

“Dr. Sheva Zucker’s textbook has many virtues: up-to-date language, standard spelling, and much more. Both teachers and students will especially enjoy the author’s fine humor–a rare feature in language textbooks. These companion tapes are a welcome addition to the book and offer the beginning student a comprehensive program for the study of Yiddish.”

Dr. Mordkhe Schaechter, Senior Lecturer in Yiddish Studies, Emeritus, Columbia University

These recordings are an ideal companion to the textbook. They are available in memory stick or CD format.

They feature the dialogues, stories, grammar, exercises, songs and proverbs that appear in the book. In addition there are questions and answers on all of the dialogues, stories and songs.

All of the songs are sung to musical accompaniment. Recordings are narrated in Standard Yiddish.

BONUS: The set includes a dialect recording featuring native speakers speaking in their own dialect with explanatory introductions highlighting the main features of each dialect.

“Sheva Zucker’s Yiddish brings to life a language, literature, and culture in a way that today’s students can relate to and truly appreciate. With humor and intelligence, Dr. Zucker has written a book that, more than any other textbook for beginners, teaches, challenges, and entertains all at the same time. Now, with the addition of cassettes, her Yiddish offers a wonderfully comprehensive approach to a rich and beautiful language.”

Prof. Morris A. Moskowitz, Chairman Hebraic Studies, Emeritus, Rutgers University, New Jersey

Approximately 12 hours listening time. 9 CDs/1 memory stick

TO ORDER: Memory Stick $35.00, CDs $35.00

Memory Stick:

Postage within the US $5.00.

Canada $18.50

International $22.50

Several sticks may be ordered for most countries for the same price.


Postage within the US $5.00.

Canada $24.00

Mexico: $24.25

International $25.00 Needs update

Please check with me before purchasing as postal prices change frequently. Send check made out to Sheva Zucker to:

Sheva Zucker

4501 Broadway Apt. 7B

New York, NY 10040 Please include email or phone number with your check.

As one who has enjoyed teaching from the companion volume Yiddish, Vol. I, I look forward to using the tapes that go with that book. This is an excellent text with skillful presentation of grammar, vocabulary, and interesting readings. With the tapes, students can make progress in acquiring all four requisite proficiencies: reading, speaking, writing, and comprehension, as well as being introduced to aspects of Yiddish literature and culture in Mame-loshn.

Prof. Max D. Ticktin, Chair, Committee on Judaic Studies, George Washington University